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Showing posts from May, 2011

projecting business as usual

ALBUM COVER FROM 1977? WTF? WHO DID THAT ARTWORK? Michael Fink / Rod Dyer Inc. (source)  Artist : New York Port Authority Title Of Album : Three Thousand Miles From Home Year Of Release : 1977 source: "Named after the largest bus terminal in the U.S., New York Port Authority (NYPA) was an obscure funk/soul/disco band that was active in the Big Apple in the late '70s. The six-man band signed with Holland-Dozier-Holland's Invictus label in 1977, when its members included singer/bassist Reginald A. Brown, guitarist Melvin Miller Jr., trumpeter/percussionist Rodney J. Brown, keyboardist/trombonist Stafford M. Floyd, alto saxophonist John O. Hargrove, and drummer Monwell E. Lowndes. That year, Invictus released NYPA's debut album, Three Thousand Miles from Home, which was produced by Brian Holland and contained the single "I Don't Want to Work Toda


We put a post over here at the wordpress site: this calls for an owl We will be out of touch for a few days so wishing everyone a good weekend.

the malignant flowering of curiosity

We can "know" something in the marrow of our bones, but can we prove it? No we can't. But by surveying the evidence, studying behavior, and drawing conclusions through inductive and deductive reasoning, we can detect and note PATTERNS. We have recently envisioned a scenario of premeditated mass-murder, about to unfold in the future. Now we can see why there needs to be a flu psyop... ? If radiation -- POISON -- causes the disease known as polio, and that disease is substantially related to the disease known as influenza, and there's an "outbreak" of the influenza disease due to all the POISON in the environment.....? The disease cannot be tied back to the radiation. Thus a new scientific narrative is required, and a new vaccine. The flu psyop covers for the intentional (False Flag / "Act of God" / "Human Error") poisoning, and furthermore TREATS the poisoning with: MORE POISON!

eat fresh produce

We noted the other day some stories about bedbugs in Vancouver. Recently, a Vancouver neighborhood saw a spike in bed bugs, MRSA, and another antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria, VRE. Health care workers found bed bugs on three patients recently hospitalized with MRSA. They smushed the bugs, and analyzed the remains. Three of the bugs had MRSA and two had VRE. It's important to note that the bed bugs were found on infected people, and so they very well might have picked up MRSA from the humans, not given it to them. (If the bugs did pick it up, it's pretty much what they deserved.) Bedbugs have plagued humans for centuries. Then, after a half a century of relative inactivity, the bedbugs suddenly started up again in the late 1990s. Hmm. Kind of strange. And of course, the bedbugs are harder to kill than ever. Scientists hypothesize what's up with that. In the 1940s and ’50s, liberal use of DDT and other insecticides all but wiped out the pests. Scientist

layers and layers of poison

If you prick us do we not bleed?  If you tickle us do we not laugh?  If you poison us do we not die?  And if you wrong us shall we not revenge?  ~ William Shakespeare While contemplating the scope of the disaster that is Fukushima, we find it inconceivable that all this pollution would be unleashed into the environment unless there are antidotes to protect selected populations from the genetic damage. This line of research led to Prussian Blue and Peter Kawaja. Peter Kawaja connects back to Leuren Moret. Leuren Moret and Alfred Lambremont Webre connect to weather modification and the alien agenda. Weather modification and the alien agenda connects to all sorts of black budget R&D, and to the psychopathic, murderous mindset of the people in power, which brings us right back to Fukushima. Here you can read about some other anti-radiation drugs and their connections to people like George Soros and Jerome Hauer. After 9/11, Hollis-Eden "shifted the company's prim

meanwhile in Fukushima

pimping the suicide bombers

Condi says, "You have to act on the intelligence that you have." And in that short statement, she names the game. Condi LOVES some good hot intelligence, and she knows where to get it, and how to pimp it. And don't you be giving her any attitude about that intelligence. It's worth every drop of blood that other people shed to pay for it. A Haughty Fucking Bitch, if we ever saw one. And we have seen a few. Condi repeatedly references the intelligence. The intelligence is like this magic black box with heroes inside, heroes like Jack Bauer. And every administration trots out the findings of these intelligence people, and uses these findings to justify killing people. "Superman wears Jack Bauer pajamas. If it tastes like chicken, looks like chicken, and feels like chicken, but Jack Bauer says its beef, you better believe it’s beef. Jack Bauer was never addicted to heroin. Heroin was addicted to Jack Bauer. Jack Bauer once won a game of Connect 4 in 3 move

wheel of misfortune - updated

Where will they come from next? And where will they go? UPDATE: More hyperventilating over the South American terrorist narrative, including the obligatory mention of the 1992 and 1994 Argentine bombings: Argentine officials believe Hezbollah is still active in the TBA. They attribute the detonation of a car bomb outside Israel’s embassy in Buenos Aires on 17 March 1992 to Hezbollah extremists. Officials also maintain that with Iran’s assistance, Hezbollah carried out a car-bomb attack on the main building of the Jewish Community Center (AMIA) in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994 in protest of the Israeli-Jordanian peace agreement that year. Plus check out this new bad guy, a Venezuelan of Syrian descent known as "The Turk" or "The Arab." Hot damn is that a trifecta? Three or four enemies in one? Even ahead of the IISS dossier’s publication, the most shocking revelations into the global interconnectedness of Latin American governments and Middle Eastern

fun with fruit nazi checkpoints

"Normal people must develop a level of patience beyond the ken of anyone living in a normal man's system just in order to explain what to do and how to do it to some obtuse mediocrity of a psychological deviant who has been placed in charge of some project that he cannot even understand, much less manage." Andrew Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 137 To wit, found at the COTO Report: "This special kind of pedagogy -- instructing deviants while avoiding their wrath -- requires a great deal of time and effort, but it would otherwise not be possible to maintain tolerable living conditions and necessary achievements in the economic area or intellectual life of a society. Even with such efforts, pathocracy progressively intrudes everywhere and dulls everything." ~ Lobaczewski In a pathocracy, all leadership positions, even to the lowest levels, become filled with people who have psychological deviations that CORRESPOND. The whole system be